Stop Searching For Happiness And Start Living It

Uncategorized Apr 23, 2022

Sometimes what you do is not as important as how you feel. But how do we define how we want to feel and how we want it to transform into a material world? That's tough work that we came to Earth to Remember how to do it.

Happy Life - What's the secret?

Let's begin...

Let me flip the saying - do what makes you happy - or better - make yourself happy and then do (create) something out of it. That's the more true analogy of how we should perceive the world around and within us.

The way you could look to this world that unlocks limitless possibilities is that you start to feel in a certain way before you do or create something.

We think that in order to feel happy, successful, rich, we need to DO something about it. But that's rarely the case, so often we GET what we think we want and we don't GET the feeling we seek.

That's unfortunate because it makes so many people pursue something that doesn't bring true richness to their lives. And this pursuit of happiness leaves us empty. More empty than when we started this search.

And it also makes you feel like you should be somebody else...somebody that has a certain body, success rate, house, achievements, has a business, works remotely, has holidays on your dream location or type in anything you feel the lack of in your life.

What's the point of life?

We have a huge anomaly in our society because we start at the other end than we should. We try to fill the feeling of lack with doing more instead of just simply being more.

Whenever we feel the lack of something we get into comparison mode. You can always find someone that HAS more, DOES more, IS more. But does that person FEELS like more?

The more you know about any person the more you learn that you know nothing. Whatever the external image shows you.

We are all vulnerable beings. We all have struggles. We all had ups and downs in our lives.

So often when you walk into a successful person's life, you learn that they don't FEEL the way their image describes them. Usually the lesser seen part of their lives have been drifting away from feeling successful. From feeling whole and full.

I know this because I was achieving more and doing more. My business was thriving and I was...searching for more.

Real success lies in being at peace regardless of the circumstances.


Here's what to do to achieve happiness

I want you to look at this world as a playground. As if we were all just playing a game. Life is so much easier if we don't take ourselves too seriously.

And if you wonder what is the point of this human game - it's to find out what is possible for you.

Ready? Let's start the game then...

Life isn't about circumstantial comfort. It's about your spiritual evolution. And if you want to have a powerful life, you'll only get there if you understand that you are fully responsible for where you are at in your life.

Most people don't want to accept it. They think it's the circumstances, their environment, their boss, the weather or whatever you have to blame for.

I mean, I get it. We all got used saying "oh only if...I had the money/ the knowledge/ the resources I would..." And the list goes on.

YES, "only if" doesn't exist and it defines our avoidance in life to take responsibility that you are the author of your life.

We are 100% responsible for our lives.

It takes a BIG courage to take that responsibility.

If you feel that you life is messy and there's no way you could have attracted it into your life, think about it this way:
1. Why am I in these circumstances? Why did I attract them into my life?
2. What is the opportunity here such that I can be fully empowered and responsible to upgrade my life?

I always look at my challenges as opportunities to grow and level up. It makes things so much easier and as a great man, Jim Rohn, once said:

"Don't wish it was easier. Wish you were better."


Create a life greater than yourself

If you believe that you are not that smart, pretty, strong or any other limiting belief we have in our heads to get where you want be, it just reveals to me that:

You can't create the life of someone you don't yet believe to be.

It reveals the underlying essence to change. To grow. And to up level in all regards.

You can be thankful because it tells you that your consciousness is ready to play in your favour!

As we know now, we are 100% responsible for what we created: our jobs, our partners, our homes. You'll experience more of the same until you change.

"For things to change for you, you've got to change."

Look at things around you thinking: Wow! I created all this! What if I created something else that is even better!

Because this is just your life today. Not ONE DAY.

The other time you feel silly about starting your own business, filming in front of a camera, dancing in the rain, remember that no one will remember 100 years from now! Unless you leave a legacy company to be here after you end your day on earth.

So go and do that thing, whatever your mind is telling you!

You CAN and you WILL do it eventually. Just trust that it takes time for things to happen and you might fall 100 times before you learn how to walk.

Every new skill takes time to acquire and you are growing every step of the way.

This is the mantra you can repeat to yourself when it feels hard to keep going:

"I'm deeply loved, supported and guided, every step of the way, every second of the day."

Blueprint to successfully creating happy life

The first thing that you can do in the morning when you wake up  before you move into must and should, ask your body what it wants.

Feel that and see what is present within you.

Maybe there's excitement. Maybe there's a disappointment within you. Maybe there's resentment or joy. Explore that.

Ask yourself:
Can I allow myself to feel that? Can I see and be aware that there's something that wants to be expressed and addressed consciously? And honour it to allow that to be in the space.

Explore off the track what you should do. This is a simple ritual for you to follow.

This should help you to start feeling what is true to you and what is not. What you want on a soul level.

First of all, you need to make a commitment to feel and to follow your intuition. That's not an easy thing if you've lost a connection with yourself and it will take practice to do that!

We tend to take care of others way better than we care about ourselves. Strangely, if the vet prescribed medication for your pet, you will make sure to not miss a pill. But when it comes to us...

"Why should I choose a healthy option? I'm too tired to cook, so I'll order pizza."


"I should go for a walk in nature more often, drink vitamins, or relax more but I'm just too busy right now."

I'm guilty of this too. But now when you notice it, at least you can be aware of it. And awareness is the first thing that helps us interrupt the pattern.

Start with the subtle and small things. Ask yourself: What would I love to... do/ eat? How would I love to get dressed/be? Get curious. Listen to your body what it needs. It always tells you that, we just tend to not listen to it.

After some practice you can start asking bigger things like: "What would I love my life to look like as I'm going through this adversity?"

When we ask ourselves "what would I love" our higher self seeks to express itself through us by what we authentically answer with.

It's also different than asking "what do I want?" Because this question can be entailed with what society wants us to believe what we want. Or our insecurities can be sneakily influencing that answer.

At first, stories can start to show up "what you should do" or what makes sense, but eventually with time you'll get tuned with your intuition.

Start to use your imagination more by imagining how you would love to feel.

Be genuine about it and be creative. Discover what you would like to be through what you would love to feel.

We know that saying: when you change your thoughts you change your world. And your mind's images are literally the blueprint through which your world is built. So by concentrating on what you would love, you bring and attract more of it to your life.


Still Lost in This World - What Can I Do?

Whenever you feel that you are in a hard situation or when you are lost, ask yourself:

"What does the hero of my story do?"

Remember, we are all filmmakers creating our movies and we can change the script of it. It's like looking at superhero movies and imagining what the main character is going through. Because you are the main character, the hero, in your life!

Imagine if Superman instead of flying to rescue folks trapped in a burning building, decided to stay home and steam the wrinkles out of his came. How odd would that be?

All the people this superhero could have helped he didn't.

It sounds kind of silly. But that's how we approach our lives.


We care about others, but we usually choose to spend more time preparing rather than making the leap and doing what we were meant to do.

If you think this is not me, according to the data released by Gallup:

"Only 13% of people worldwide actually like going to work."

This means that a shocking 87% of people don't like what they are doing.

If you are a part of this group and you don't like what you do, I want you to know that you have more options right now than at any other time in history!

You are a superhero! All you need to do is to find your superpowers.

Sometimes a cleaning lady is the happiest person and loves what she does. And a business owner is burnout and doesn't know where life is going.

So everything can look differently from another perspective.

No matter what you DO, you can be unhappy and whatever you DO you can be happy.

If you know that you are successful according to society, but don't feel happy, don't feel bad about it. Ask yourself: where does success become my prison?

Happiness is a point of view and maybe your lenses of life have been broken or gloomy.

If you feel you need a little guidance and want to connect with a coach Eisve in helping you find happiness, don't hesitate and book a discovery call here πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

❗Attention, this link has a potential to turn your life path in a new direction giving you a life full of happiness. If you don't want that, don't open the link.

With All My Love,


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