In this episode, I dive into your support system and why it’s important to have it. I have been having conversations a lot about how important it is to have people that support you. And what to do when you realize you are your only supporter.
This podcast format is less about me, this podcast is more for me. And by saying this, I hope this will be for a lot of you as well.
We all need supporters and tribe to help us, guide us and lead us to greatness. There's just as far as we can go alone. So in this epidote you'll learn how to create a support system around and it will open yours eyes to realize that YOU ARE ALONE.
This is the hardest thing to realise and accept for many people.
But we are alone in this world. We come alone into this world and we die alone.
The goal of this podcast it to take you deep to find a connection with yourself and others. So you could form unity and alliances. I want you to Experience enormous ONENESS by listening to this episode.
And Unity of this world.
All My Love,
50% Complete
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