Episode 07. Tim Perreira: Stigmas in Men's Mental Health

Uncategorized May 03, 2022
Long We Live
Episode 07. Tim Perreira: Stigmas in Men's Mental Health

Tim Perreira is a former college athlete turned tech sales pro, but he struggled to find purpose after sports. Years of job hopping, while having 'success' in sales roles, left him feeling unfulfilled and looking for answers for why nothing was working for him. He did all the right things to become successful but it left him experiencing depression and feeling anxious.


After being fired 4 months into the pandemic for not hitting quota, Tim made the decision to follow his passion for mental health + wellness and create a company focused on improving the health of men. His purpose now is to help men get mentally and physically healthy, and crush the stigmas that have plagued men's health.


- Why hiding mental health is more common among men

- How to figure out what's going in your mind

- There's no quick fix for menthal health problems

- It's okay not to be okay

- Be in control of the narrative you are creating

Tim founded PER, which creates men's workout shorts from recycled plastic bottles: www.perclothing.com

He also created THE GAMEPLAN, a 30-day program for men focused on building the foundations of health, designed for high-performers that have lost touch with their deep sense of health: www.tperreira.com



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